- Glitter Maker

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

bring back american inventor.

not sure if you watched, but you should have. "American Inventor" was a good show. last summer i remember sitting in front of my t.v. watching people's interesting and innovation inventions. this summer, i was waiting to see more..but i was let down. was that the last season? or is it coming back? that lady made that cool bra that you could wear with a backless dress, another man (winner of last season) made a star for on top of a christmas tree.. made to activate as a sprinkler in case the tree caught on fire (which apparently happens often) and another guy made some kind of mechanical car (he was a teacher) and you could make this car yourself with no prior experience. anyways.. a lot of the ideas were cool and some funny (like the rejects on american idol).

is this show coming back and if so, when?

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